The Last Picture of the Week – Mythology

Well, this topic was way too open for me and it took me most of the week to reject all the ideas. After I ran out of time to reject more of them this is the one I finally went with. A bit of Lovecraftian Cosmic horror in Lego form (thanks nephew!). So here it is, a composite of about 12 photos taken saly one day before we went into the photography labs here at school. Nice timing, but at least I can see the difference between good equipment and the stuff I have.


OH&S Calendar April – Unsafe Lifting

No Picture of the Week today as I cannot be bothered formatting it. Here instead is one of the images I’m using for my upcoming OH&S calendar. 12 safety messages which will save people from doing unsafe things and make every workplace everywhere totally safe for everyone making me solely responsible for saving millions and kajillions of dollars in lost productivity.

Slightly more seriously I’m trying to make a calendar with safety messages that are at least slightly amusing so that people might actually anticipate the next month coming and look at the calendar. This one I got some use out of the cheapo tripod I bought for my camera.


Picture of the Week – Abstraction

Abstraction tends to mean a bunch of different things in different fields, so rather than make an “abstract” image I went with the concept of abstracting an image and breaking into its basic shapes, colours and text descriptions of the content. Like the world’s most useless accessibility tags. Well, maybe not *the* most useless, but still pretty useless.

Canberran locals might recognise the location of this shot, oh and people who’ve looked at the older posts on this blog where I actually put it up.  So you can check that out if you don’t know what you’re looking at. I can assure you it’s super-accurate especially “Books” and “Government Stuff”.


Death By Design Logo – Rework

So to finish the Graphic Design course we have an exhibition. One of the assignments is to come up with an identity for the whole shebang. Mine was Dark Energy, which I might use for something in the near future. But the winner was Death By Design, featuring a cute cartoon skeletal person. After that we each had to take the design and rework it keeping to the basic theme. Again, mine didn’t get up but the winner is cool and the style is very retro 2000AD which I like. I’ll be linking to it soon as part of some cross-promotion.

But here’s my reworking, going with a bit of an Egyptian Ceremonial burial style of thing.

Death By design Rework

Death By design Rework

Picture of the Week – Spirits of Nature

It’s all getting a little bit hippy in these PotW titles, but we’ve made a change there for our student choice ones in a couple of weeks.

With Spirits of Nature I’ve looked at the underlying maths and forces that shape nature as I see these things as the rules that underpin reality and are the closest things to ‘spirits’.

This is made up of ice patterns from the roof of the car, flower patterns and other natural, geometric designs. Also some of the patterns of bubbles in a nice cuppa I had – whatever works. And then I whacked pi in there for some reason.PotW_SpiritsOfNature

Picture of the Week – Solar Powered Future

A new semester (the last) at school and one of our assignments is Picture of the Week.

We get a phrase then have to create an image based on it. Can be photo manips, illustration, vector art or a whole bunch of that mixed up together. This is my first effort for Solar Powered Future. A lot of people went with solar panels but I thought photosynthesis was a bit more futuristic and cool. I’ve got a bunch of textures and things in there that are probably mostly buried (especially at this resolution) but I liked the way it ended up.

I’ll try to post of these each week as I work through them. Next week is Worlds Within Worlds so I’ve got a few ideas to work on for that.

Solar Powered Future

Solar Powered Future (click for larger)

Lightshow 3 – Return of the Jedi

Lightshow 3 - Return of the Jedi

Long exposure with the lightsabre. Strangely I barely shopped this one – only to drop the light levels to improve contrast. The strange colour mixing was just down to the weird glow of the lightsabre.

Also I like the way the lightsabre changes colours all the time representing the struggle between the light and dark sides of the Forc that every Jedi must struggle with.